Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's start at the very beginning...

A very good place to start!

I have decided to make an attempt at blogging through the adventure that is ahead of me.  Mostly because I really want to have a record of this time in our lives, but also because I want to keep my loved ones informed of what we are up to and international calling can get expensive :o)

I'm not really sure which beginning I should start with really.  My instinct it to share that I fell in love this summer and I am extremely lucky to have met a guy who is willing to embark on this upcoming adventure with me.  Any sane person would turn the other way when asked by their girlfriend to move to another continent without a job and away from anyone the know.  Ben has decided to ride the roller coaster with me and I am forever grateful to him.  What better way to start a life together than take a risk like this! :o)

My Managers at Staples approached me with this opportunity to move to Amsterdam for 2 years in December.  I jumped at the opportunity, told them I was definitely interested, and then sat back and waited for about 2 months until they got all the details put into place.  The wait was a little tortuous as Ben and I were debating moving into together in the US since December.  That would involve him moving to Boston and finding a new job, which seemed pointless if we were going to turn around in 2 months and move to the Netherlands.

So now, here we are...heading over on Friday!

We were both really lucky to be able to spend some quality time with the important people in our lives before we left.  There were some really great parties thrown and a ton of warm wishes.  We definitely leave feeling incredibly loved. 

I will post some pictures from those parties shortly.  Ben will be the photographer of the blog, as I don't have the patience and he is really good at it.

More to come! For now it is off to turn in my Prius (so sad).  She is looking good though, so maybe it won't be a tough process :o)